



3.请问operate的语法是什么?for my idea和in my opinion有什么不同?






       operate ['?p?reit]


       vt. 操作;经营;引起;对…开刀

       vi. 运转;动手术;起作用

       surgery ['s?:dri]


       n. 外科;外科手术;手术室;诊疗室





请问operate的语法是什么?for my idea和in my opinion有什么不同?



        2.operate也可作“对…施行手术”“产生影响”解。此时常接介词on,再接某人或某人的某个部位。如果表达“为某人施某种手术”,则用介词for来引出“某种手术”,即operate on sb for sth,这种结构可用于被动形式。



        The lift was not operating properly.


        The doctor decided to operate at once.


        S+~+to- v

        It has been proved that various causes operated to bring about the accident.



        S+~+ n./pron.

        His job is to operate this machine.


        The company operates three factories.




       for my idea 和in my opinion的共同之处是:都是介词短语,都有一个my。

       不同之处是:1. 介词不同,一个是for, 一个是in, 名词不同,一个是idea (想法,主意),一个是opinion (看法,观点)。

       后者我们比较熟悉,意为:在我看来, 我的观点是, 我认为。

       前者的用法比较少见。 甚至不是一个固定的词组,如果想用它来代替in my opinion, 是危险的,很可能是错误的。

       下面我找到了几个“for my idea"的实例:

       It's raining--so much for my idea of taking a walk.

       vote for my idea!!! ill LOVE you forever!

       Coud you give me a feedback for my idea





       1.to work in a particular way 运转;工作 V

       See also: function Synonym

       Most domestic freezers operate at below –18?C. 多数家用冰柜能制冷到零下 18 摄氏度以下。

       Solar panels can only operate in sunlight. 太阳能电池板只能在日光下起作用。

       Some people can only operate well under pressure. 有些人只有在压力下才工作得好。 figurative

       2.to use or control a machine or make it work 操作;控制;使运行 VN

       What skills are needed to operate this machinery? 操作这种机器需要什么技能?

       3.to be used or working; to use something or make it work (被)使用;(使)运转

       A new late-night service is now operating. 现在推出一项新的深夜服务。 V

       The regulation operates in favour of married couples. 这一规定的实施有利于已婚夫妇。

       The airline operates flights to 25 countries. 这家航空公司经营飞往 25 个国家的航班。 VN

       France operates a system of subsidized loans to dairy farmers. 法国对奶农实行补贴贷款制度。

       4.to work in a particular way or from a particular place (以某方式或从某地方)经营,营业 V

       They plan to operate from a new office in Edinburgh. 他们计划由爱丁堡的新办事处经营。

       Illegal drinking clubs continue to operate in the city. 非法饮酒俱乐部继续在城内营业。

       5.to cut open somebody's body in order to remove a part that has a disease or to repair a part that is damaged 动手术 V ~ (on sb) (for sth)

       The doctors operated last night. 医生们昨夜做手术了。

       We will have to operate on his eyes. 我们得给他的眼睛动手术。

       6.to be involved in military activities in a place (在某地)采取军事行动


       1.Appoint (someone) to a specified position

       2.Officially assign a specified status or ascribe a specified name or quality to

       3.Signify; indicate


       1.Resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger

       2.Speak or write in favor of (an action or person); attempt to justify

       3.Conduct the case for (the party being accused or sued) in a lawsuit


       1.An item of soft, sweet food made from a mixture of flour, shortening, eggs, sugar, and other ingredients, baked and often decorated

       2.An item of savory food formed into a flat, round shape, and typically baked or fried

       3.A flattish, compact mass of something, esp. soap


       1.Regard something as being caused by (someone or something)

       2.Ascribe a work or remark to (a particular author, artist, or speaker)

       3.Regard a quality or feature as characteristic of or possessed by (someone or something)


       1.The distinctive taste of a food or drink

       2.The general quality of taste in a food

       3.A substance used to alter or enhance the taste of food or drink; a flavoring


       1.Officially agree to or accept as satisfactory

       2.Believe that someone or something is good or acceptable

       3.Prove; show


       1.Confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance

       2.Confess to (a crime or fault, or one's responsibility for it)

       3.Acknowledge (a failure or fault)


       1.The action or process of transmitting something or the state of being transmitted

       2.A program or signal that is broadcast or sent out

       3.The mechanism by which power is transmitted from an engine to the wheels of a motor vehicle


       1.A means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation

       2.The correct answer to a puzzle

       3.Products or services designed to meet a particular need


       operate face




       vt.& vi.运转; 操作; 经营; 管理;

       vi.开刀; (对…)动手术; 动手术; (在某地)采取军事行动;




       You operate in europe very profitably.



       英 [?p?re?n] ?; 美 [?ɑ?p?re?n] ?


















       He taught me how to operate a computer.






       The water system is not functioning well.






       The chainsaw doesn't work.

